Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Multiply God's Blessings

The way to multiply God’s blessings in your life is by applying the law of sowing and reaping. If a farmer wants a greater harvest, then he just has to sow more seeds into the ground. He has to prepare the field more carefully, take better care of the weeds and water more regularly. In this article I want to show you how to apply these principles to your spiritual life.

Many of God’s blessings come to us no matter what we do. They just flow to us out of the goodness of God. He is working his good pleasures in our life every single day and we are not even realizing it. His mercy and grace for instance. You can’t do a thing to increase his mercies and his grace. They are just there for you every single day and they are new every morning.

His protection – God watches over you every moment of your life. The Bible says that God’s eyes are on the sparrow and he watches over you. You are the apple of his eye. He is your rock. He is your fortress.

Many other blessings are a privilege that we enjoy just by being a child of God. But then there are many blessings that have a little clause: “If you will... – then I will...”

This is the principle of sowing and reaping. And you know that if a farmer wants a greater harvest, then he just has to sow more seeds into the ground. He has to prepare the field more carefully, take better care of the weeds and water more regularly.

In the same way, if you want to increase God’s blessings in your life, you have to sow more seeds, prepare the soil of your heart, take care of the weeds and keep your soil moist.

Sow more seeds
I like the New Living Translation. It says in Luke 6:38:
“Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”

Often we think about money when we read this verse. But the principle here is: whatever we give or sow will not only return to us. Your return will always be much greater than what you sowed. Do you need a financial harvest then don’t be tight with your money. You always need some seed. So do not use all your limited finances to meet your needs. You have to use some as seed. Start out with small amounts. Then, as God blesses your faithfulness, sow more and more seeds.

Are you longing for some good Christian friendships? Sow seeds! Start to be kind and concerned about others. Show them that you care about them. Start to encourage others! Tell them that you appreciate them. Help them in practical ways. And soon you will see that your seed will produce a harvest of good friendships.

Do you think that you have nothing to give, that you have no seeds? Just read 2 Corinthians 9:10
“For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.”

Just ask God to show you what you can do, what you can sow and then step out in faith and plant your seeds in the ground. I promise you, your harvest is coming.

Prepare the soil
This does not need much explanation. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33:
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else (first), and live righteously (God’s way), and he will give you everything you need.”

Let me ask you a question: How much of your time, effort and resources goes towards the things of God? I tell you, I fall short on this one over and over again. That’s why we need to encourage each other to put God first. Isn’t it true, that we have time and money for so many things that we feel are so important. We have time to watch TV hours and hours. We spent time on our hobbies; we spend lots of money on our cars and so on. But we say we have no time to read the Bible. You will never find the time. You have to make the time for the most important things in your life: the things of God. The best way to prepare the soil of your heart to receive the blessings of God is to read and study the Bible, God’s living Word!

Let’s sum it up

The way to increase God’s blessings in your life is to understand the principle of sowing and reaping. If you give, you will receive. If you sow, you will reap. Ask God to show you what your seeds are and then step out in faith and sow those seeds and expect a plentiful harvest of God’s blessings.

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